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Welcome to Troop 1099

We Meet Every Monday Night

Meetings are held on the grounds of Lanier United Methodist Church from 7pm to 8:30pm every Monday throughout the year, but are not held on school holidays.

Learn More About Troop 1099

Drill into the topics below for more information about our troop

Meetings and outings are planned and run by the youth leadership. Adults are here to enable and empower the boys through guidance where needed as well as to ensure a safe scouting experience.

A Patrol Leadership Council (PLC) meeting is held the Monday after each monthly outing where the youth leadership plans the upcoming meetings, outings and activities as well as makes decisions regarding troop operations.

Every scout advances at his own pace. We offer plenty of advancement opportunities at weekly meetings, on outings, and at summer camp. It is easy for a new scout to achieve First Class rank in the first year if they take the initiative to do so.

Most merit badges are earned at summer camp and district merit badge clinics.  Additionally, we have troop merit badge counselors for over 50 different merit badges.  Advancement is recognized at a Court of Honor held 3 times a year.

Troop 1099 goes to summer camp at a troop every year, usually in early-mid June. The boys spend a full week enjoying nature, swimming, fishing, cooking cobblers, earning merit badges and getting to know other troop members.

Summer camp is especially important for new scouts/crossovers as this is where they really get a chance to bond with the other troop members and kick-start their adventures in scouting.

In addition to meeting outside each week. We go on monthly outings every month except December.

Some of our typical outings include:

  • hiking/backpacking
  • orienteering
  • whitewater rafting
  • caving
  • canoeing/sailing/fishing
  • rock climbing
  • snow tubing
  • mountain biking
  • geo-caching
  • motorboating
  • and more …

Most outing destinations are in the North Georgia mountains, Tennessee or North Carolina.  We do, however, occasionally venture south of Atlanta for some specific types of adventures not available to the north.  Some additional outing details are:

  • Most destinations are within a 2 hour drive
  • Usually 2 nights, Fri 6pm to Sun 12pm
  • We camp rain or shine, hot or cold
  • Boys plan, buy and cook meals by patrol
  • Registered fathers may participate

Dads and scouts travel to and from each outing as a group.  This allows the boys to work as a group in both setting up and breaking down camp, as well as unloading and cleaning troop supplies following a trip.

In mid-November we host a Thanksgiving outing at Scoutland on Lake Lanier. Family members and guests are welcome to join us for a full Thanksgiving feast and a campfire program Saturday evening.

We also invite Arrow of Light scouts and their dads to join us and get to know our troop on this traditional yearly troop outing.

Every March, Troop 1099 holds a pine straw fundraiser in Grand Cascades and surrounding subdivisions. This one fundraiser usually brings in enough money to sustain the troop for all non-outing related costs for the year.

This covers equipment and grounds maintenance, patches, court of honor costs, eagle scout gifts, youth leadership training and much of our Thanksgiving outing costs.

Troop 1099 is active in the community through service projects of all kinds. We participate in multiple Eagle Service Projects for Scouts in our troop as well as various other service opportunities that arise throughout the year.

Each year we participate in the Memorial Day flag placement ceremony at Marietta National Cemetery and Rivers Alive.

Parental involvement is critical to the success of the scouting program.  We encourage dads to get involved with the troop as Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Members, and Merit Badge Counselors.

Dads can help drive on outings, assist with advancements at troop meetings, as well as serve as Assistant Scoutmasters.

While scout moms do not attend outings, they help the troop as committee members, provide assistance as merit badge counselors, and assist in coordinating troop activities like summer camp.

To get started as an adult leader, just fill out an Adult Leader Application and take the Youth Protection Training course online.  All leaders must have a class A uniform in order to go on outings or attend summer camp.

We try to keep costs low in order to make scouting as affordable as possible.  Most “dump” camping outings have a fee for food and campsite usage.  Some outings will include an additional ‘activity fee’ where appropriate for things like rafting, canoeing, climbing, etc.:

Following are some the approximate costs:

Class A Uniform: $100
Class B Dry Fit Shirts (6): $72
Scout Handbook: $20
Annual Dues: $125
Normal Outing Fees: $30 (food / campsite)
  $0 – $50 (activity fee)
Backpacking Outing Fees: $10
Summer Camp: $375

The troop provides: tents, lanterns, stoves, patrol cooking gear dutch ovens, clean drinking water.  Scouts must provide their own personal camping gear (sleeping bags/pads, backpacks, etc).

Because we do not want any boy to miss out on scouting due to financial reasons, scholarships are available.  Please see the Scoutmaster for details.

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