Packing for Summer Camp 2022
Packing List:
Refer to packing list link here
Label Everything:
Don’t Forget to write your name on everything… especially items that you will be carrying with you during the day. Every year we have several scouts lose items (water bottles, etc) and this helps us re-unite the lost items with their owner.
For Scouts with Medications:
What to Bring
Any/All medicine they regularly take and/or are prescribed. If they take it daily, don’t think they can just “get by”. This will be a very busy week with longs days and a change in medicine at this time is not often a good thing, especially an absence of medicine normally in their system.
- All medicines should be in their original labeled containers
- Bring the “right” amount plus 2 doses. Meaning, if it’s a daily pill, then bring 8 of them (6 daily, and 2 for backup – it could be dropped in places where you won’t (ever) want to put it into your mouth).
- It will need to cover Sunday Lunch through Saturday morning Breakfast.
If the medicine needs to be kept cold, we will have an ice chest as well as an options to keep it at the medical station in their secured refrigerator.
Medicine that is on-demand or as-needed should also be brought with the assumption that they could be needed and checked-in at the medical table, and will be administered by the scout leaders as needed, and recorded when it was administered.
They will be putting each scouts medicine in a zip-lock baggie with their name on it and kept by the scout leaders in a locked “med box” along with the medical log.
Important Notes
Scouts are not allowed carry/posses prescribed medicines except for EpiPens and fast acting inhalers (such as Albuterol). Daily inhalers, should be checked-in. EpiPens and fast acting inhalers should be carried in their backpack or satchel.
Lastly, the scout leaders are here to ensure that the regular routine of medicine your child takes is properly administered / maintained during scout camp to ensure they have a great week. They are not doctors – they are dads who care about the well being of your kids, and will be fully supported by other scout leaders and a excellent medical staff at Camp Rainey Mountain (who is actually a registered nurse and/or doctor). You child will be well cared for.
Tags: Summer Camp