Life to Eagle Rank
Earning the rank of Eagle, the highest rank in Scouting, takes considerable time and effort. In addition to Merit Badges and leadership requirements in the Troop, the Life Scout is required to complete an Eagle Scout Service Project, which is completed in multiple steps.
Eagle Service Project Proposal
First, the Life Scout completes Part One of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. The workbook can be found here. This section outlines what the Scout plans to do, at a high level. He must schedule an appointment with the district to review the project and get approval to proceed with the project.
Here is the link for an appointment. (NOTE: select project approval)
Until this approval is received, a Scout can not work on the project.
Eagle Project
Following proposal approval, the Scout can work on the project and complete Part Two of the Workbook.
Eagle Application
Once all requirements are complete, the Scout prepares the Eagle Rank Application. Here is the link to the application. Read the application carefully as it contains 6 Requirements and 3 signatures that must be totally complete before an application will even be considered for an Eagle Board of Review. The information on the application regarding specific dates of positions held and merit badges earned is available by requesting a report from the Scoutmaster.
Requirement Two on the application requires the Scout to obtain Letters of Recommendation. These letters are sent to specific people (parents, religious leader, employers, as listed on the application). The recommendation letters are to be sent to a third party in sealed envelopes and delivered to the Scouts Eagle Board for review during his Eagle Board. It is customary to provide stamped Return Envelopes for return to the Scoutmaster or Life to Eagle Adviser. An example of the Request for Recommendation and Return Envelope is provided below in the attachment section.
Allow 2-3 weeks time for the receipt of these letters prior to the scheduled Eagle Board of Review.
Requirement Six on the application requires the Scout to write a statement of ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in various organizations where the Scout demonstrated leadership skills. This is an opportunity for the Scout to communicate what is his purpose and what he hopes to do in the future and what is he doing now and in the past.
Eagle Board of Review Preparation
The last requirement for the Eagle Rank candidate to complete is the Eagle Board of Review
If all other Eagle Rank requirements are complete, the Scout is then ready to prepare his Eagle application and have an Eagle Board of Review.
Here is the information from the District about submitting your application:
This link tells you what needs to go to the Jefferson Service Center and when it needs to get there. Understand that your completed application must be submitted to the Jefferson Service Center a minimum of TWO weeks prior to your scheduled Eagle Board appointment.
To assist with preparation, please refer to our handy checklist.
Eagle Board
Schedule an appointment (NOTE: select board of review)
Note: (about the attached files below):
The Letter in the reference letter template is a business size envelope