Merit Badge Process
In order to work on a merit badge, a scout MUST follow the following process:
- Obtain a signed Blue Card from the Scoutmaster or In-Troop Merit Badge Counselor
- The Scoutmaster or In-Troop Merit Badge Counselor MUST give approval for the scout to begin work on the merit badge
- The only exception to this rule are for Merit Badge classes taken at summer camp
- A Scout MAY NOT begin work on the merit badge until he has received the signed Blue Card
- Fill out all personal information on the front of the Blue Card
- Contact the Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) to begin work on the merit badge.
- Work on Merit Badge requirements with guidance from the MBC
- Have your MBC initial completion of individual requirements
- When all requirements are completed the MBC will sign the Blue Card indicating completion of the Merit Badge. They should sign in 2 places on the card.
- Turn in the completed Blue Card to Scoutmaster
- The Scoutmaster will sign the Blue Card and give the scout the APPLICANT’S RECORD section of the card. THIS IS THE SCOUT’S PERMANENT RECORD OF THE MERIT BADGE … DO NOT LOSE IT !!!
- We recommend keeping these records in the plastic sheet protectors for trading cards
- The Scoutmaster will then turn in the Troop’s section of the Blue Card to the Advancement Coordinator for processing
- Scout will receive the Merit Badge at the next Court of Honor
- Scout MUST keep the signed / stamped Blue Card as a permanent record
- Eagle-Required Merit Badges May ONLY be Earned:
- At Summer Camp
- At an In-Council (NEGA) Advance-A-Rama
- With In-Troop Merit Badge Counselors
- With Counselors that are PRE-APPROVED by the Scoutmaster
- Personal Management and Family Life Merit Badges may ONLY be earned with In-Troop Counselors
- Merit Badge Process for Summer Camp
- Merit Badges COMPLETED at Summer Camp do not need a Blue Card
- If you have incomplete merit badges after Summer Camp, talk to the Scoutmaster about whether or not you need a Blue Card to complete the Merit Badge.