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Tag: Summer Camp

Departing for Summer Camp 2022

We will be meeting on Sunday, June 12th at 9:30 am in the Publix Cruse Marketplace parking lot (1735 Buford Hwy, Cumming, GA 30041).  The “check-in” process will take some time, so please be prompt.  You will need to bring all of your son’s medications in their original packaging and these will be secured by an adult leader.  In addition, any missing medical forms will be collected and validated BEFORE your scout is allowed to get on the bus.

Also, scouts should bring a sack lunch and a water bottle.  We will stop along the way and eat.

Scouts and leaders should wear the full Class A (and Class B undershirt) uniform for the trip up to camp.

The Drive to Camp

For those traveling with us, we will stop to have lunch at an area TBD

While Your Son in Away at Camp

Sending Mail to Your Scout:

For those parents that wish to send their son a note and/or care package, you can send it to:

“Scout’s Name”
Troop 1099
1494 Rainey Mountain Rd.
Clayton, GA 30525 

Given this is only a week-long camp, you should not send anything after Tuesday because we might not receive it before we leave!

Contacting Your Scout:

There is very limited, if any, cell coverage at camp, so you will NOT be able to reach your son via phone, text, or email.  You will be contacted in the event of any emergency.


Packing for Summer Camp 2022

Packing List:

Refer to packing list link here

Label Everything:

Don’t Forget to write your name on everything… especially items that you will be carrying with you during the day. Every year we have several scouts lose items (water bottles, etc) and this helps us re-unite the lost items with their owner.

For Scouts with Medications:

What to Bring

Any/All medicine they regularly take and/or are prescribed.  If they take it daily, don’t think they can just “get by”.  This will be a very busy week with longs days and a change in medicine at this time is not often a good thing, especially an absence of medicine normally in their system.

  1. All medicines should be in their original labeled containers
  2. Bring the “right” amount plus 2 doses.  Meaning, if it’s a daily pill, then bring 8 of them (6 daily, and 2 for backup – it could be dropped in places where you won’t (ever) want to put it into your mouth).
  3. It will need to cover Sunday Lunch through Saturday morning Breakfast.

If the medicine needs to be kept cold, we will have an ice chest as well as an options to keep it at the medical station in their secured refrigerator.

Medicine that is on-demand or as-needed should also be brought with the assumption that they could be needed and checked-in at the medical table, and will be administered by the scout leaders as needed, and recorded when it was administered.

They will be putting each scouts medicine in a zip-lock baggie with their name on it and kept by the scout leaders in a locked “med box” along with the medical log.

Important Notes

Scouts are not allowed carry/posses prescribed medicines except for EpiPens and fast acting inhalers (such as Albuterol).  Daily inhalers, should be checked-in.  EpiPens and fast acting inhalers should be carried in their backpack or satchel.

Lastly, the scout leaders are here to ensure that the regular routine of medicine your child takes is properly administered / maintained during scout camp to ensure they have a great week.  They are not doctors – they are dads who care about the well being of your kids, and will be fully supported by other scout leaders and a excellent medical staff at Camp Rainey Mountain (who is actually a registered nurse and/or doctor).  You child will be well cared for.


Preparing for Summer Camp 2019

Troop 1099 will be going to Camp Rainey Mountain in Clayton, GA from June 9th to June 15th this year.  We encourage all scouts, especially the new scouts, to attend as this is the best way to bond with the troop and kick-start their adventures in scouting.  It provides opportunities for advancement through both merit badge classes and time spent with the troop during the week.

The cost for camp is $375

Payment Options:

You may pay in full or in 3 – $125 installments
1st payment due … February 1st
2nd payment due … March 1st
3rd payment due … May 1st

Payment Notes:

The fee covers council camp fees, troop supplies, cobbler ingredients, pizza, water balloons and transportation to/from camp.  If your plans change and your son is not able to attend camp, we will refund all if the fees paid to that point.  Some classes will require additional activity fees. (See attachment)

Class Selection:

First, review the available course schedule with your scout here

Then, submit course requests for your scout here

Course schedule requests are due no later than March 1, 2019

Medical Forms and Health Physicals:

Everyone attending summer camp (both scouts and adults) will need to provide an up-to-date medical form completed within 12 months of the start of camp.  We’ll be sending out more details on this but it may be a good time to go ahead and schedule a physical if you need one before camp.  See the link below for the BSA medical forms (

(Note that you will need the date of your last tetanus immunization.)

You Need to Submit the Following:
  • Two (2) Copies of ALL pages of the medical forms (A, B pg 1, B pg 2, and C)
  • Two (2) Copies of both sides of your health insurance card (front and back)
  • Two (2) Copies of Certificate of Immunization (for scouts)
Also Make Sure:
  • Your Doctor has signed, dated and office info is filled out
  • Tetanus shot date is filled in for adults (no need for shot record, just dates)
  • All pages are properly filled out

Please plan to have all medical forms submitted no later than May 15th



Adults Needed:

Dads are needed to attend camp to help the scouts (especially the new scouts) with schedules, locations, etc so please sign up as soon as possible.  The only way our troop functions is through volunteers like you.

The cost for adults is $160 for the full week or $80 for a half week

Swim Tests:

Everyone attending camp (adults and scouts) must take a BSA Swim test.  We do this as a troop at the Grand Cascades pool in place of one of our pre-camp meetings.  We will send out more information as time gets closer.

Foot Lockers:

For those of you new to summer camp, you will need a footlocker to store your clothes and personal items in for the duration of the week.  The most common type of footlocker the scouts use is the Contigo Storage Locker with Wheels.  They are available for sale at Walmart online here (

Any footlocker about the same size will work but it is nice to have a plastic one that since it may get wet and dirty during the week.

Class B T-Shirts:

Everyone will need a set of Class B t-shirts for camp.  If you don’t have a set of shirts, please request them because they are REQUIRED for summer camp for both youth and adults.


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