Summer Camp 2018
As you know, Troop 1099 will be going to Camp Rainey Mountain in Clayton, GA from June 10th to June 16th this year. We encourage all scouts, especially the new scouts, to attend as this is the best way to bond with the troop and kick-start their adventures in scouting. It provides opportunities for advancement through both merit badge classes and time spent with the troop during the week.
As we have noted, the cost is $330
You may pay $330 in full or in 3 installments
1st payment due … February 5th
2nd payment due … March 12th
3rd payment due … April 16th
The $330 covers council camp fees, troop supplies, cobbler ingredients, pizza, water balloons and transportation to/from camp. If your plans change and your son is not able to attend camp, we will refund all if the fees paid to that point. Some classes will require additional activity fees. (See attachment)
Class Selection:
First, review the available course schedule with your scout at CRM Summer Camp Course Schedule
Then, register for your scout’s courses at CRM Summer Camp Course Registration
Course schedule requests are due no later than March 1st
Medical Forms:
Everyone attending summer camp (both scouts and adults) will need to provide an up-to-date medical form completed within 12 months of the start of camp. We’ll be sending out more details on this but it may be a good time to go ahead and schedule a physical if you need one before camp. See the link below for the BSA medical forms (
(Note that you will need the date of your last tetanus immunization.)
You Will Need to Submit the Following:
Two (2) Copies of ALL pages of the medical forms
Two (2) Copies of both sides of your health insurance card
Adults Needed:
Dads are needed to attend camp to help the scouts (especially the new scouts) with schedules, locations, etc so please sign up. The only way our troop functions is through volunteers like you.
The cost for adults is $150 for the full week or $75 for a half week
Swim Test:
Everyone attending camp (adults and scouts) must take a BSA Swim test. We do this as a troop at the Grand Cascades pool in place of one of our pre-camp meetings. We will send out more information as time gets closer.
Other Information:
Foot Lockers:
For those of you new to summer camp, you will need a footlocker to store your clothes and personal items in for the duration of the week. The most common type of footlocker the scouts use is the Contigo Storage Locker with Wheels. They are about $32 at Walmart online here (,
Any footlocker about the same size will work but it is nice to have a plastic one that since it may get wet and dirty during the week.
Class B T-Shirts:
Everyone should have picked up their Class-B T-Shirts by now. If you don’t have a set of T-Shirts, please request them because they are REQUIRED for summer camp for both youth and adults.
Label Everything:
Don’t Forget to write your name on everything… especially items that you will be carrying with you during the day. Every year we have several scouts lose items (water bottles, etc) and this helps us re-unite the lost items with their owner.